Saturday, February 4, 2017

Adolescent Athletes and Chiropractic Care

 Performing arts and athletics play an integral role in growth and development of our children.  These activities build physical, mental, and emotional skills while also providing character, leadership, and discipline opportunities for growth.  Most children carry these activities from childhood into adolescence, teenage years, and through adulthood.  Unfortunately, physical stress, especially repetitive physical stress can result in injuries to the adolescents growing body.  A case report published in 2013 followed a 14-year old ballet dancer who sought chiropractic care for her developing hip pain due to repetitive dance movements. Stress on the joints during physical movements cause pain especially when those joints are not fully developed.  This dancer saw fantastic results when after only 10 specific adjustments, her pain was gone, restriction resolved, and she was back to 100% participation in her ballet studies!

 Chiropractic care works best as preventative healthcare, however in times of pain and inflammation, it can work wonders on a growing body. It's never too early to start chiropractic care for all members of your family. Imagine waiting until you were 10-15 years old to see a dentist! We must think of chiropractic care as an integral part of our adolescents health and wellness care.

Baigent, Lily. "Chiropractic Management of a 14-year-old Ballet Dancer with Bilateral Hip Pain and Restriction."  Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics 14.1 (2013): 1103-109. Web.

Dr. Nicholas Knutson DC



10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

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