Sunday, January 29, 2017

Menstrual difficulties and chiropractic

Menstrual cycle irregularities are more commonplace than you might think.  Many women experience great amounts of stress due to irregular menstrual cycles, especially if trying to start a family. Chiropractic care has shown to regulate women's cycles after just a few visits. In 2012, a study was published that showed a 39-year old woman who had sought chiropractic care for low back pain. This patient also had painful periods that only occurred every 3 months.  Her irregular periods had been going on for over 11 years. She started to experience a regular menstrual cycle after just 2 visits, and after being under the care of her chiropractor, she had experienced routine periods for 7 of the 8 months of the study! By removing the subluxation through a chiropractic adjustment, the nervous system was able to function properly and the body returned to a state of homeostasis.

Ko, MKhav K. Resolution of secondary amenorrhea of 20 years in a woman undergoing subluxation-based chiropractic care [case report]. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health-Chiropr. 2012Spring;2012(2).

Dr. Nicholas Knutson DC



10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

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