Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How Your Neck Could be the Cause of Your Dizziness


New research is finding one root cause of dizziness...imbalances in your cervical spine (neck).  It is estimated that upwards of 30% of our population suffers regularly from dizzy spells.  Dizziness is a term used to describe a range of sensations, such as feeling faint, woozy, weak or unsteady. Dizziness that creates the false sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving is called vertigo.  These symptoms are not only scary to experience, they often hinder our daily lives and with extreme cases of dizziness can be debilitating. While there can be MANY causes for dizziness or vertigo, a 2020 study highlighted misalignments of the upper neck to be a cause of cervicogenic dizziness.  Cervicogenic dizziness is caused by functional issues in the cervical spine which inhibits normal movement of the muscles, ligaments, and receptors surrounding the vertebrae in the neck.  These abnormalities in the cervical spine have been known to be the cause of approximately 65% of dizziness in the elderly population.  A chiropractic adjustment can remove these misalignments to restore proper structure and therefore proper function of the nervous system.  Imagine having a kink in your garden hose.  Some water is still getting through, although it's not as strong or forceful as normal.  When you remove the kink in the hose, the water is able to flow freely without interference and function properly.  Dizziness is often a symptom that can go away immediately after an adjustment.  Finding the root cause of a symptom is of utmost importance to allow the body to function freely without interference.  

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556



Sung, Y. (2020). Upper cervical spine dysfunction and dizziness.  Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 16(5), 385-391. doi: https://doi.org/10.12965/jer.204612.306

Image courtesy of Cell*Axys 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Benefits of Garlic-It's Not Just for Cooking!


Garlic-by now you know it makes your food taste wonderful, and have probably even heard of people taking garlic supplements to boost their heart health.  However, did you know that garlic directly impacts your immune system?  Garlic has been proven to decrease the number of colds by 60%, and of those infected with the "common cold," garlic was discovered to reduce the length of symptoms by 70%!  This powerhouse food was often prescribed to combat a variety of illnesses before modern medicine.  Not only does it boost your immune system and prevent infection, garlic (and its sulfur compounds) have been proven to lower blood pressure, reduce fatigue, lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, increases antioxidant enzymes while lowering oxidative stress, decreases bone density loss, and detoxes heavy metals from the body.  Even elite athletes take garlic because of its ability to increase cardiac stamina and raises their peak heart rate giving them a higher exercise capacity.  

If getting more fresh garlic into your diet isn't feasible, try a high-quality garlic oil.  A normal garlic dosage for fresh garlic would be 2 cloves of garlic a day to boost your immune system and enjoy the many benefits of garlic as mentioned above.  You may also substitute 1-2 drops of garlic oil.  In our home, we often use garlic oil (found at most health stores) and put a few drops on the bottom of my kids' feet, place socks over top of their feet while they sleep.  The scent of garlic oil is very STRONG, so use caution.  It is of utmost importance to get a high quality garlic oil or garlic supplement without added fillers.  Garlic is a simple, inexpensive way to help boost your health and immune system function and is one of the oldest forms of medicine known to man.  

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Relief from TMJ

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJD) are caused by a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and impact over 10million Americans yearly.  Commonly known as "lockjaw," TMJ causes pain and discomfort of the jaw as well as headaches, clicking of the jaw, ear pain, ringing in the ears, dizziness, unexplained tooth pain, grinding of the teeth, pain in the face and cheek, and muscle stiffness.  TMJ can also cause issues with the shoulders and neck including muscle soreness, loss of range of motion, and numbness or tingling in the hands and fingers.  When you open your mouth, the rounded upper ends of the mandible on each side of the jaw glide along the joint socket at the base of the skull. Then when you close your mouth they slide back to their original position. This is where many people with TMJ hear popping in their jaw.  While TMJD can be hard to approach in terms of care as they are often comprised of many factors, all of those factors have one thing in common: dysfunction occurs at the base level.  While many therapies focus solely on pain relief, such as needling, facial injections, and even surgery, one treatment focuses on removing the cause of  TMJD.  That treatment is specific cervical chiropractic adjustments.  By removing interference to the trigeminal nerve, the joint is able to move properly as well as release tension of the surrounding ligaments and muscles.  Have more questions about TMJ and other disorders of the jaw?  We can help.

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Keep Your Lymphatic System Moving

 As we enter into colder months where we are exposed to less sunlight and are more sedentary, our body needs to keep its lymphatic system clear and moving to avoid getting sick.  Our immune systems and lymphatic systems are directly related.  The lymphatic system helps defend the body against illness-causing germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi. The system builds immunity by making special white blood cells (called lymphocytes) that produce antibodies which are responsible for immune responses that defend against these diseases.  The lymphatic system is also responsible for removing excess fluid from our tissues, as well as absorbs fatty acids and subsequent transport of fat, (chyle), to the circulatory system.  Furthermore, our nervous system is in charge of sending the signals to the lymphatic system to properly function and fight off disease by making immune-responsive cells.  When our lymphatic system isn't draining properly, you may feel congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, headaches, sinus pressure, tender or swollen lymph nodes, and overall malaise or weakness.  It is important to help our lymphatic system function properly by helping it to drain so we don't feel these symptoms.  Look at the picture above to see just how many lymph nodes we have throughout the body!  Neurologically-based specific chiropractic adjustments help to keep our nervous system functioning properly to ensure direct communication to the lymphatic system.  Drinking extra water, percussion of the lymph nodes, exercise, detoxifying the gut, and soft tissue stimulation also can help the lymph nodes to drain in times of over-activity.  


Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Research Suggests Allergies May Stem from Gut Imbalances


Allergies can be seasonal or year-round, which leaves most to turn to allergy medications to hopefully find relief from annoying and painful allergy symptoms.  Patients often suffer from runny nose, cough, itchy, watery eyes, redness of the skin and eyes, nausea, vomiting, sneezing, skin blisters, and even swelling of the face and joints.  While allergy medications can provide symptomatic relief, we need to understand how our allergies work on a functional basis to help determine where they might be coming from. Allergies are a result of a respiratory disorder, however researchers are finding that allergies can come from issues beyond the respiratory system.  A 2020 study looked specifically at gut health and their effects on allergy symptoms.  They found that poor gut health can play a big role in respiratory diseases by ways of the gut-airway axis.  Specifically, patients suffering with constipation were studied and if those patients also suffered with allergies.  It was found that those patients with constipation were more likely to also suffer with allergies in a study of almost 60,000 patients!  Basically, the study indicated that poor plumbing of the gut leads to poor respiratory health.  This is especially noted in the pediatric patient population of the study.  It is important to clean or detox the gut on a regular basis especially if you are suffering from allergies.  Need ways to detox your gut?  Our office can help! 

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Wu., M., Jan, M., Chiou, J., Wang, Y., & Wei, J C. (2020). Constipation might be associated with risk of allergic rhinitis:A nationwide population-based cohort study.  Plos One, 15(10). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239723

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Finding the Cause of Migraine Headaches


It is estimated that over 38 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches, and over 4 million of those with migraines are diagnosed with chronic migraines.  This means that over 4 million people have a migraine headache for 15 or more days!  Migraines should be taken seriously as it is the 6th most disabling condition in the world.  Some patients experience migraines that can last up to 72 hours!  Many people experience nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, fatigue, sensitivity to light and noise, and a heightened sense of smell among many other symptoms.  Finding out your triggers is an important step I often tell patients when helping determine the root cause of the headaches.  Keeping a migraine log of onset of symptoms, foods eaten, migraine intensity, sleep patterns, etc can help prevent triggers from happening. I've seen even certain smells such as  perfumes or essential oils that can trigger a migraine attack.  In our office we also look at the structure of the neck and spine and how that can contribute to migraine headaches.  When interference (otherwise known as subluxations) are found to the nervous system, it can cause migraine headaches to occur.  Specific, neurological-based chiropractic adjustments remove interference to allow the nervous system to function properly.  This results in decreased migraine headaches or even total relief of migraines in some cases.  Find a chiropractic physician that takes x-rays to be as specific as possible, and preferably an upper cervical specialist chiropractor to get specialized care for your migraines.  While medications or botox injections can help in times of crisis, they simply cover symptoms of migraines without addressing the CAUSE of the migraine.  Look to the foundation of the body to determine if the structure is aligned so that it can function at its best!

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Working from Home? Tips for Maintaining Spinal Health


Our office has seen a large increase in patients with back and neck pain, hip pain, and elbow/shoulder pain with the recent work/school from home orders.  Protecting your spine by maintaining proper positioning is essential to feeling our best and preventing pain.  It is estimated that over 42% of reported absenteeism from work is related to back pain.  As shown in the diagram above, when positioning is compromised, our shoulders round and the back hunches, our feet go behind our knees, the head moves forward creating a large amount of pressure and weight not supported by the neck, and our elbows drop to below our wrists. The loss of curvature of the neck and spine is what causes pain and discomfort. Our hips can become unbalanced then as well often causing sciatic nerve issues.  Here are a few tips for maintaining proper spinal health while working from home.

-start your day with a balanced breakfast

-take meditation breaks. turn off the screen, put down your phone, and take 12 deep breaths with your eyes closed.  its amazing what a short "brain break" can do for your mental and physical health!

-take stretch breaks often. preferably every 45 minutes to an hour. get up and move around, go for a short walk, or do stretches.

-drink plenty of water. you should be consuming at least half of your body weight (in ounces) every day.  Meaning for a 100lb individual, you should be drinking at least 50oz of water daily.

-keep shoulders relaxed, elbows close to your body, and bent at 90-120 degree angle. avoid reaching for the mouse or keyboard, have them as close to the body as possible.

-protect your lumbar spine when sitting by leaning slightly back, not forward, balanced hips (no sitting on one leg) and a cushioned seat. even place a small pillow in the low back to help support the lumbar spine.

-support the thighs by having them fully on the chair, knees bent with the feet on the floor slightly in front of the knees, never behind the knees.

-keep head level and do NOT look down at the screen!  keep the eyes at 20-30 degrees difference to the middle of the screen. This is by far the most important thing you can do to maintain spinal health!

-GET ADJUSTED! adults and children both should be receiving regular chiropractic checkups  to not only protect their spine but to boost immune system function!  Keeping your spine balanced prevents future issues and injuries. 

Want more tips, stretches, or exercises? Call today to schedule your appointment with either of our fantastic physicians! 704-394-8556

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556



Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Complementary Therapies to Promote Cognitive Function in Geriatric Patients


Cognitive impairment, like many problems in older adults, is often “multifactorial.” This means that the difficulties with memory, thinking, or other brain processes are often due to more than one cause.  It is a common assumption that as we age, our cognitive health should "normally" decline.  However, things such as medication side effects, hormone imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, neuron damage from injuries, infection, toxins, or neurodegenerative conditions all have effects on cognition.  Therefore determining what a "normal" decline in cognition is can be extremely difficult.  Starting complementary care (complementary care is a term used to describe therapies that are used in addition to, or alongside, conventional care) has become common practice to ensure that we are taking the proper steps to ensure less cognitive decline in elderly patients.  Clinical trials conducted in early 2020 have shown that complementary therapies have reduced the risk of forgetfulness, depression, fall risk, dementia, and stress as well as an increase in everyday activities, cognitive recognition and function, and mindfulness in patients aged 55 years and older.  Complementary therapies included in the trials were chiropractic adjustments and other body-based methods, alternative medical systems, mind-body interventions, biological based treatments, and energy therapies.  Our nervous system controls or directs all of our bodily functions, including the mind-body connection!  In particular, specific, neurologically-based chiropractic care, ensures that our nervous system is operating free of interference and at its optimal state.  Chiropractic care is a non-invasive approach to health that has been proven to provide immense health benefits!  Our office can also help refer to other complementary care options such as massage, acupuncture, yoga, mental health counseling, hormone replacement therapies, and naturopathic medicine!


Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556



Ngyuen, S. A., & Lavretsky, H. (2020). Emerging Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Geriatric Mental Health.  Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry.  doi:10.1007/s40501-020-00229-5.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Non-surgical Approach for Disc Herniations

 A common cause for neck and back pain can be a disc herniation.  Other names for disc herniation can be ruptured, slipped, or bulging disc.  These all fall under the category of a herniation.  This happens when the gel-like substance of our spine breaks through the tire-like structure of our discs.  Our spinal discs act like a shock absorber to keep our spines moving safely and effectively daily.  Disc herniation are extremely painful and can also cause other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness, inflammation, and even loss of muscle control because of the compression of the nerve root coming out of the spinal column.  Inflammation especially is important to pay note to because most of the inflammation is internal, and often gets overlooked by traditional treatments for a disc herniation.  A recent research study sought to understand how inflammation directly effects lumbar disc herniation and degeneration and treatment options.  Researchers found that inflammatory responses could trigger and be an indicator for lumbar disc herniation and even spontaneous regression of the herniated disc.  Our office offers several different non-surgical options for disc herniation including chiropractic adjustments, cervical decompression, lumbar decompression, and rehabilitation exercises.  Non-surgical treatments offer less risk and side effects and have better long-term outcomes than surgical treatment for herniated discs.  By removing the internal inflammation and correct neurological imbalances the body is allowed to heal the disc by increasing absorption (or better re absorption) of the disc into its proper place.  While the option for drugs or surgery will always be there, they should be utilized as a last resort instead of a first option when there are many non-surgical interventions that produce great results!

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556



Cunha, C., Silva, A. J., Pereira, P., Vaz, R. Goncalves, R.M., & Barosa, M. A. (2018). The inflammatory response in the regression of lumbar disc herniation. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 1-9.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Chronic Knee Pain??? Why You Should Get Your Spine Checked...

Have you ever had someone tell you that their knees are "bone-on-bone?"  While this is a common phrase used to describe knee issues, this isn't actually possible to not have ANY joint space left in the knee while still being able to physically walk.  However, loss of joint space or inflammation of the knee joint is a very common issue.  It is estimated that over 14 million people in the US have arthritis of the knee.  It appears that the age range most effected by painful knee arthritis is between 45 and 64 years of age.  Patients tend to lose their mobility and range of motion quickly during the different stages of osteoarthritis of the knees.  Did you know that when there is no direct injury to the knee, a common place to look for the cause of knee pain and inflammation is the spine?  Our spine is tied to every function of the body by creating our structural foundation.  Our posture, our mobility (range of motion), and our overall bodily functions from our spinal cord all are housed in our spines.  The health and care of our spine directly impacts the health and function of our entire bodies.  When subluxations (or interference) are found in the cervical neck and spine, it can lead to disorders of the knee.  When misalignment of the spine is left untreated, structural problems will follow, therefore leading to dysfunction of the knee.  For one thing, the nerves that detect sensations in the knee are all linked to the lower spine. That’s why sciatica pain can extend down the leg and even cause knee pain. Pain often radiates from the lower back when this is the case, but pain can also occur in the knee without pain in the lower back area.  A study conducted over 22 years followed patients and found that there was a direct correlation to knee arthritis to misalignment's of the spine!  The study also found that the worse the patients spine was, the higher level of arthritis in the knees.  While they may not have always had back pain, there was degeneration of the knees due to improper balance of the spine.  Seeking chiropractic care to determine the cause of the knee pain instead of chasing symptoms of knee pain may help to correct the knee pain by correcting issues of the spine! 

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Shimizu, M., Kobayashi, T., Chiba, H., Senoo, I., Abe, S., Matsukura, K., & Ito, H. (2020). Examination of the changes in lower extremities related to progression of adult spinal deformity: A longitudinal study of over 22 years. Scientific Reports, 10(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68573-3. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Slowing Degenerative Disc Disease


Degenerative disc disease of your neck and spine is not actually a disease.  It refers to the "aging" process of our discs and joints that may become swollen and break down, causing pain and soreness.  The rubbery discs between the vertebrae normally allow for flexing and bending of the neck and back, like shock absorbers. In time, they become worn, and they no longer offer as much protection as before.  While some experts would classify degenerative disc disease as a "normal" sign of aging, there are many things we can do to prevent and slow this process in our spine as we age.  Another term often used when describing degeneration of our spine is arthritis.  This simply is defined as swelling and pain of the discs of the spine and joints throughout the body.  This condition, however, can be quite painful and limit our daily physical movements.  Things to do to prevent or slow degeneration of the spine include eating a healthy diet, physical exercise, yoga, stretching, proper sleeping positions, adequate water intake, gut balance and of course chiropractic care.  Neurologically based chiropractic care has been proven to reduce swelling and inflammation of the joints and discs, while aiding in bone density buildup while reducing cartilage damage.  As seen in the above photo, numerous disc disease can be prevented and helped reversed while under expert chiropractic care.  At our office, we use both manual chiropractic adjustments as well as decompression to revive those shock absorbers (spinal discs) by allowing the disc to become rehydrated therefore decreasing or eliminating pain.  When the disc is fully hydrated, it can do its job to bend and flex the neck and spine properly without pain or soreness.  Don't let others tell you that neck or back pain is a "normal" sign of aging...it is your body's way of sending you a signal that something is not functioning properly!  Adjust the cause of the pain and the symptoms will ease!

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Conesa-Buendia, F. M., Mediero, A., Fujikawa. R. Esbrit P., Mulero, F. Mahilo-Fernandez, I., & Mues. A. O. (2020). Beneficial effects of manually assisted chiropractic adjusting instrument in osteoarthritis. Scientific Reports, 10(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-70219-3.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Finding the Cause of Joint Issues...and Getting Relief!










When many people think of  chiropractic care, they often associate it only with neck or back pain.  However a skilled doctor of chiropractic can help with many issues of the joints such as carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, trigger finger, ankle and foot issues as well as knee pain.  When our joints become stiff or painful to move, further injury can happen and cause hindrance to our day-to-day lives.  Specific adjustments to those joints may provide great relief, however it is also just as important to look to the spine for issues that may be contributing to joint disease or deterioration.  Take for instance adhesive capsulitis (or frozen shoulder).  This is characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint that restricts both passive and active ranges of motion.  It is often very painful, that can come on quickly and sometimes seems out of nowhere.  A recent study of a 69-year old woman with frozen shoulder after an arm fracture due to a fall sought chiropractic care to relieve her constant pain in her neck and shoulder.  Many subluxations were found in her neck and spine that were causing her shoulder to not heal correctly after her fall.  This resulted in extreme joint inflammation and pain.  With chiropractic adjustments, the shoulder began to heal and the patient reported significant decrease in pain in the neck and shoulder as well as improvements to her sleep, range of motion, higher energy levels, and an overall increased sense of well-being!  Similar improvements have been documented for grip strength, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel relief, and trigger finger all due to chiropractic adjustments!  These studies suggest that subluxations in the neck may be a contributing factor to joint mobility issues.  Find the cause of your joint issues, don't just live with pain!  Relief is possible if you search hard enough for the cause.   

Yours in health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556



Shaw, Y., BSc (Chiro).  Throp, I., BSc (chiro), & Cade, A., MHSc, DICCP, BSc (Chiro), BSc3. (2020). Improvement in Adhesive Capsulitis in a 69-Year-Old Female Undergoing Chiropractic Care for the Reduction of Vertebral Subluxation:A Case Study. A. Vertebral Subluxation Res, 126-130.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Stress Response

Our physical and mental health go hand-in-hand.  Stress is normal both mentally and physically, however how our body adapts to that stress can either cause us to grow or break down.  Chronic mental or physical stress will eventually deteriorate our health. Our body has a natural defense called The Stress Response, also known as "fight or flight."  This response is your body's way of handling an emergency situation by activating a system to keep us safe by releasing adrenaline and cortisol.  While these substances can protect out body in short-term situations, chronic cortisol production can have serious effects on both our physical and mental health.  Symptoms such as muscle aches, headaches, low energy, rapid heart rate, tight chest, dizziness, weight gain, diarrhea, trembling, dry mouth, nausea, stomach cramps, depression, anxiety, and insomnia are some of the things patients may feel with chronic stress.  This is when your stress response is working against you because our body has it turned on when it doesn't need to.  Chronic conditions can also be intensified by the stress response activating too often or for too long.  
Things to try to deactivate your body's stress response include: mediation, exercise, eating a healthy diet, turn off your electronics an hour before bed, make time for hobbies, practice assertion rather than aggression, seek counseling, and of course chiropractic care.  A 2017 study evaluated the effects of a chiropractic adjustment using the PET scan technology on 21 different subjects. The PET scan determined that brain function increased and stress levels decreased in every single subject. Measurements also recorded the occurrence of multiple changes in brain activity. Movement, posture, emotions, learning, and memory centers of the brain all improved after a chiropractic adjustment. Brain processing experienced a reduction in fight or flight activity and led to relaxation in the brain and reduced tension in muscles. Measurements also showed a decreased level of stress induced chemicals in the saliva.  Chiropractic care plays a vital role in your overall health and your bodies ability to adapt to the stress response.  

Yours in health,
Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


Inami, T. Ogura, S. Watanuki, M.M. Masud, K. Shibuya, M. Miyake, R. Matsuda, K. Hiraoka, M. Itoh, A.W. Fuhr, K. Yanai, M. Tashiro. “Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy: A [18F]FDG PET Study.”Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine – January 2017

Hughes, F. P (2020). Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Perceived Anxiety in a Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Management for Neck pain and Headache: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic, 3, 14-20.  


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care and High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) affects nearly 1 out of every 3 adults in the United States.  Hypertension can be an indicator of the likelihood of developing long-term chronic health issues.  In particular, hypertension leads to cardiovascular issues.  These issues can be quite severe or even deadly such as a heart attack.  Hypertension is something to be taken seriously once it is identified.  While there are numerous factors that may lead a person to a high blood pressure diagnosis, such as obesity, asthma, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, chronic stress, increased alcohol consumption, and increased salt in the diet, it can also be a side effect of other medications such as acetaminophen and anti-depressants.  However, there is an often overlooked cause of high blood pressure: the alignment of the atlas bone in your cervical spine.  As highlighted in red in the photo above, the atlas surrounds and protects our brainstem as well as controls blood flow to and from the brain.  Every nerve in your body leaves the brainstem and travels down your spinal cord to then splinter off to the various organs it sends messages to.
An upper cervical-specific chiropractor can administer gentle, effective adjustments to the atlas and upper cervical spine to remove interference to the brain stem.  In our office, the NUCCA technique is utilized as a non-thrusting chiropractic adjustment of the upper cervical spine, making it very gentle and non-invasive.  There is no twisting or cracking sound with this type of adjustment.  It is a very specific, x-ray driven adjustment technique that chiropractors have to be specially trained in.  The NUCCA technique has been proven to lower blood pressure by an average drop of 14 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (the top number) and 8 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number)in recent studies.  In particular, an 80-year old patient was able to lower his blood pressure from an average reading of 167/90 to an astonishing 117/74 while under chiropractic care according to a 2020 case study.  This particular patient was not on hypertensive medications previously and had an unexplained spike in his blood pressure readings over a 6 week period.  While you should always consult your physician before going off of anti-hypertensive medications, why not try this natural method and see if your blood pressure is lower at your next physical? You may find out that you many not need that hypertension medication anymore, or you may be able to switch to a lower dose (which is always good for reducing side effects).

Yours in health,
Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556


J, S. (2020). Hypertensive 80-year-old male treated with cranial therapy: A case report. Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference:Nassau, Bahamas. 2019:57-63. A. Vertebral Subluxation Res, 9.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Thank you to our Healthcare Workers!

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of our healthcare workers during this unprecedented time in our lives.  Thank you to the doctors, nursing assistants, respiratory therapists, registration personnel, housekeeping, pharmacists, and especially the nurses.  I hold a special place in my heart for emergency room nurses as my wife was one for over 10 years.  I know firsthand the stress that these magnificent people are going through, and wanted to share some suggestions from Atrium Health on ways to say thank you to those on the front lines.

-Send a Thank You Note
Whether its a sign in your window, a text message, a phone call or a letter take a moment to say thank you for their dedication. Another idea is to order dinner to their work or home.  Many employees are exhausted when they get home and the last thing they want to do is cook dinner. Support your local restaurants or flower shop by sending them a bouquet.

-Give Back
Visit OneBlood online and schedule an appointment to give blood.  It can literally save lives by just donating once.  Under our shelter in place order, you may still make an appointment to give blood.

-Make Masks
Distribute them to friends or neighbors, or call local factories, grocery stores, mechanic shops or offices that are essential businesses and offer your masks to them.

-Donate Funds
Atrium has started the Atrium Health Essential Needs Fund where you can help their facilities meet the most pressing needs during this pandemic.

Lastly, let us take some of the strain off of urgent cares, emergency rooms, and primary care offices by seeing those patients with musculoskeletal pain issues.  Headaches, back pain, neck pain, trouble sleeping, ear pain, dizziness, etc can all be seen by our office.  We are following all CDC guidelines for disinfecting our office and have private rooms available to see patients.  Your health and safety is our number one priority.  Call and buy a gift card for any healthcare worker who could benefit from chiropractic care. Turn off the news. Get outside in the sunshine.  Stay positive!  We are here to help.

Yours in health,
Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mental Health Awareness

During times of increased stress, we often lack self-care for our mental health.  We tend to focus on our nutrition, exercise, rest and water intake but there seems to be a stigma when talking about ways to improve our mental health.  When our mental health suffers, our quality of life can be impacted.  Even our health insurance companies don't often cover mental healthcare which only adds to the difficulty to seek mental health help.  There are many things you can do to form a plan that attends to our mental health needs.  Going for walks, meditation, exercise, deep breathing, scheduling a tele-health session with a therapist, and surprisingly chiropractic adjustments all positively impact our mental health.
A recent study of chiropractic patients in a residential addiction center highlighted the use of chiropractic care on restoring proper function to the nervous system through neurologically-based chiropractic care.  The test group receiving specific chiropractic care reported significant reduction in anxiety, while the placebo group saw no reduction.  In other patients, chiropractic adjustments have been demonstrated to help with ADHD, depression, dyslexia and other learning disabilities.  Interference to the nervous system called subluxations creates pressure to the nerves that negatively impacts the function of the entire body.  When the body is able to function without interference, its physiology starts to change.  The regulatory activity of sensory receptors, neuroendocrine organs, blood vessels, and muscles all improve with a chiropractic adjustment.  When the body functions better, it can communicate within itself better.  When chiropractic care is used in conjunction with mental health specialists recommendations, we are caring for our bodies from the inside-out!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Kent, C., DC, JD  (2018). Chiropractic and Mental Health: History and Review of Putative Neurobiological Mechanisms. J. Philosphy, Principles & Practice of Chiropractic. 2018, 8-14.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Immune Booster Spotlight on Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, meaning our bodies do not produce it.  We must get our Vitamin C from our diet.  It helps form and maintain bones, skin, and blood vessels as well as helps the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and neurotransmitters. It also is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and damage from oxidation in our cells.  It protects our bodies from oxidative stress, respiratory infections, and boosts our immune response to viruses, bacteria, and stress.  It can help to regenerate other antioxidants in our bodies as well.  This powerhouse vitamin lowers cholesterol, reduces histamine reactions in the body as well as widens our blood vessels to prevent heart disease, enhances the absorption of iron, aids in diabetes complications, reduces eye issues such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
The biggest mistake I see people make is thinking that large doses of vitamin C will cure an ailment such as a common cold. Vitamin C is essential in PREVENTION of infection.  You should be consuming between 75mg-2000mg of vitamin C daily.  The more physically active you are, the more vitamin C your body can tolerate.  You should not take more than 2000mg in a day as it may cause possible side effects such as nausea or diarrhea.  An easy way to do this is to of course eat a lot of variety of fruits and vegetables.  This includes broccoli, green and red bell peppers, cauliflower, cantaloupe, kiwi, kale, oranges, sweet potatoes, and strawberries among many others.  Another great way to ensure absorption of vitamin C is a daily supplement.  I highly suggest optimal health systems Whole C chewable tablets.  This is a great way for kids and adults alike to get in the minimal daily recommendation of this essential nutrient.  See photo below.
Daily vitamin C intake stimulates the production and function of white blood cells which are in charge of fighting off infections in our bodies. Vitamin C also binds proteins to invading microbes to produce antibodies. Therefore, vitamin C does boost your immune system in terms of preventing illness.  It is an essential vitamin that is imperative for a healthy immune system response!  Need a great vitamin C supplement?  We've got plenty! 704-394-8556

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Thursday, March 12, 2020

How To Strengthen Your Immune System

Our immune system is constantly working and fighting to keep us healthy.  When we get sick or injured, we know that our immune system is working in overdrive to bring us back to "homestasis" or back to good health.  We often don't think about our immune system when we feel good.  However, taking precautions to prevent illness is often overlooked until its too late.  Your immune system needs proper care so that your best defenses can be sent in when illness sets in.  You want your immune "soldiers" to be so well equipped that the virus or bacteria that enters your body doesn't stand a chance to make you sick!  Like many of our body's functions and processes, our immune system is controlled, governed, and regulated by our nervous system.  To optimize our immune response, we need to optimize our function of the nervous systems.
What are some things to consider to strengthen your immune system?  Neurologically-based chiropractic care will help the nervous system function better.  Think of it like your car; your nervous system is the gas pedal that sends the signal to the engine to make the car move.  If you don't have a gas pedal, getting the car to move is not likely to happen!  Chiropractic adjustments trigger an activation within the neuro-immuno-endocrine systems (see diagram above).  One chiropractic adjustment boosts the body's immune response by 200%!  Other things that are just as important as regular chiropractic adjustments to help build our immune response are eating fruits and vegetables (getting vitamin C), sunshine (getting vitamin D), drinking plenty of water, relaxing the mind (meditation), washing your hands (just plain hygiene), and exercising.  Move your body daily to promote a healthy immune response, even if its getting out for a 20 minute walk over lunch.  Keep sugar intake down as sugar depletes the immune cells' response to bacteria and viruses.  We also suggest to support gut health by taking superfoods to maintain proper gut function (we suggest an algae like chlorella and spirulina).
Our body works hard for us daily, so we need to make sure we work hard to equip it with the proper tools it needs to keep us healthy and happy!
Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Your Nervous System Effects Depression

Effects of Depression in your Body

For over 260 million people, depression exhausts their bodies both mentally and physically every day.  Often times, symptoms brought forth by depression can seem endless and trying to overcome those symptoms with different methods of treatments is tireless.  Recent research has demonstrated decreased adaptability of the body's nervous system in those patients suffering with depression.  A 2019 study assessed the effects of depression in patients that did not utilize antidepressant medications as well as a control group of patients.  The studies' results showed a connection between heart rate variability (HRV) and depression.  Heart rate variability is a measurement used to indicate nervous system function.  Chiropractic care removed any interference to your nervous system to allow it to function properly.  The study also showed a correlation between the patient's level of severity of depression symptoms and HRV measurements.  Meaning, the worse the heart rate variability, the more intense of depression symptoms were felt.  If HRV and depression symptoms are connected, then changing your heart rate variability performance can have a positive effect on your depression.
Neurologically based chiropractic care has been proven to have a positive impact on heart rate variability.  This is done by removing interference (subluxation) in the neck, spine, and extremities.  Overall improvement of the neurological system is a common result with only a few chiropractic adjustments.  When a misalignment is found, HRV is also found to be lower.  When that misalignment is removed thru an adjustment, HRV improves indicating a healthier nervous system.  Heart rate variability is just one tool that chiropractors use to help measure the overall health of the nervous system.  For patients suffering with depression, their symptoms can also be tied to a poorly functioning nervous system among other things.  We are the experts at finding and removing interference to your nervous system thru x-ray driven, gentle, effective chiropractic care, let us help you find your way to health!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Hartmann, R., Schmidt,  F. M., Sander, C., & Hegerl, U. (2019). Heart Rate Variability as Indicator of Clinical State of Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9. doi:10.3889/fpsyt.2018.00735

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Hypothyroidism

 Your thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck that is responsible for producing thyroid hormones which has many different effects in your body.  It is estimated that 20 million Americans have a thyroid issue, with 60% of those being undiagnosed or unknown to the patient!  Women are 8 times as likely to develop a thyroid issue than men in their mid to late 50's and beyond.  Our thyroid gland is essential to regulating our bodies and ensuring balance to our hormonal/endocrine system.  Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) include weight gain, depression, body aches, hair loss, itchy or dry skin, intolerance to cold, constipation, swelling of the face and neck, among many others!  While hypothyroid medications are typically prescribed for an underactive thyroid, there is a natural way to help support our thyroid while determining what the best course of treatment is for you.  
Our bodies are naturally made to make thyroid hormone and when there is dysfunction in doing so, we need to take a good look at what is happening internally to see where the body is failing.  A recent journal article highlighted the benefits that a 52-year old woman recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism found thru chiropractic care.  The patient was taking thyroid medication at the start of the study for an under active thyroid as well as experiencing hip, back, and knee pain.  She went consistently to her doctor of chiropractic as well as her endocrinologist for 9 months and at that time no longer had pain to report.  Her doctor reported improvement in her blood work that indicated she no longer needed to take the prescribed thyroid medication!  Six months after stopping her thyroid medication, her blood work showed no traces of hypothyroidism, and therefore, still no need for medication!  While chiropractic care does not replace thyroid medication, working together with multiple disciplinarians of health allowed for this patients body to return back to proper functioning.  Chiropractic adjustments help eliminate interference to the nerves that send signals from the brain to the thyroid gland, and as a result limited the amount of external help (i.e. medication) that she needed! 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson, DC


10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Reimer, C. (2019). Resolution of Hypothyroidism & Improved Cervical Curve in a 52-year Old Female Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of the Literature.  A. Vertebral Subluxation Res, 171-174.