Wednesday, March 28, 2018

50% Reduction of Headaches With Chiropractic Care!

On average 157 million days of work are missed each year due to headaches.  Although they are extremely common, headaches are not normal.  There are even millions of people who suffer from headaches on a daily basis.  It can be exhausting to find treatment options for those who suffer from headaches.  Researchers are constantly looking at alternative solutions for headache patients that differ from taking medications.  The Spine Journal published a study recently proving a 50% reduction in headaches of individuals with chronic headaches.  The 6-week study followed patients who sought routine chiropractic care.  These patients all saw a decrease in headache days by half!  What was even more startling however, was that there was no plateau in improvement in the patients. The people who had more visits with the chiropractor had the most improvements, and the longer they continued with chiropractic adjustments, the more improvement they saw!
Different types of headaches including sinus, cluster, tension, and migraines all have seen improvements with chiropractic care. By realigning the vertebrae in the neck, pressure and irritation of the nerves are removed and blood flow will return to normal.  This allows the body to function properly.  We see acute and chronic headache patients daily in our office with fabulous results!  Schedule your consultation to find the root cause of your headaches to allow your body to function at its optimal potential!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson



10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Mitchell Haas, Gert Brandrot, Roni Evans, Craig Schulz, Darcy Vavrek, Leslie Takaki, Linda Hanson, Brent Leininger, Moni B. Neradilek, Dose-response and efficacy of spinal manipulation for care of cervicogenic headache: a dual-center randomized controlled trial, The Spine Journal (2018).

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Epigenetics...How Your Choices Will Affect Your Children and Grandchildren

In 1953, the DNA double helix was discovered by Watson and Crick, and since then, science has been studying the effects of nature (our genetics) and nurture (our environment) and their effects on our development.  Although the scientific model is constantly changing, the most current research is showing that our genes are not guaranteeing a predetermination of how our health will be.  Rather, our environment and our perception of that environment controls the activity of our genes via a term deemed "epigenetic control."
This brings up the concept that every health choice we make today not only affects our lives currently, but the lives of our children and grandchildren.  Our environment includes factors such as nutrition, behavior, stress, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, spinal adjustments, prescription and illegal drug use, working habits, sleep patterns, and stress management.  How we choose to balance these factors greatly affects how our genes will be controlled.  In other words, lifestyle choices can either bring forth certain genes or suppress others.  If your family history contains heart disease, environmental factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management can help prevent heart disease in you or your grandchildren by changing your DNA structure.  Choosing to get adjusted regularly as far fetched as it may sound, can have a significant impact on your genes and therefore change the epigenetic of your children in the future.  Because chiropractic care improves the function of your nervous system, this can influence your body's ability for DNA repair and maintenance.  This then allows for adaptation to physical, chemical, and emotional stressors to our mind and bodies.
Epigenetics can be an overwhelming concept.  However, understanding that our daily choices affect our health can start you on the road to health to be continued by generations to come.  Want more information???? Call us today!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson



10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Kent, C., DC Esq. (2013, January 01). Legacy and Lifestyle: Epigenetics and the Potential for Chiropractic. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from;hp?id=56303

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Chiropractic Care Provides Relief for Crohn's

Crohn's disease is an autoimmune bowel disease that can affect any part of your digestive system.  There is currently no cure for crohn's, and no treatment plan has seemed to be successful for all patients suffering from it.  New research is shedding light on the possibility that crohn's disease stems from an altered immune response in genetically susceptible individuals that leads to improper development of normal bacteria in the gut.  It is estimated that over 1.4 million American's suffer from crohn's, and it seems to affect males and females equally.  Also, 75% of people with the disease will undergo surgery to attempt to correct it, with over 38% of those patients having a crohn's flareup within the first year after having that surgery!
However, it is constantly being researched how chiropractic care can help alleviate some of the symptoms and minimize the frequency of crohn's flareups.  A 2018 published case study followed a 60-year old male crohn's patient who had been experiencing abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, generalized body stiffness, and what he described as an overall "sick" feeling.  His chiropractor examined him and found vertebral subluxations, which is an interference in the nervous systems' ability to regulate and coordinate every organ, cell, and tissue in the body. In this particular case study, the man received specific chiropractic adjustments to correct those subluxations and found great relief in his crohn's disease.  He even ceased the need for medications after seeing his chiropractor for a 3 month period.  Because nerve interference from subluxations found in the spine can affect the brain's ability to control both the digestive organs and the immune system, chiropractic adjustments to those subluxations often result in relief of ailments.
While chiropractic care does not "treat" symptoms, it helps the body to heal and function the way it was designed to do by removing the blockages or interferences in your nervous system.  Removing these along with changing your gut bacteria can help patients suffering with crohn's disease find relief that they so desperately need!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson



10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV

Phillips, M.A., DC, & Wilt, T.B., DC. (2018). Complete Remission of Crohn's Disease Following Subluxation Centered Chiropractic Care:A Case Report & Review of the Literature. A. Vertebral Subluxation Res., 2018(1), 38-47.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Heart Rate Variability May Be the Key To Aging Fit!

"The primary objective of chiropractic care is to optimize health and well-being through the enhancement of nervous system function by reducing nerve interference caused by vertebral subluxations." While that may be the objective, most chiropractors also seek to repeatedly measure and prove it as well.  Have you ever exercised and watched your heart rate?  With all of the fit bits, watches, and heart rate monitors, it is easier than ever to have our data during exercise.  But have you ever heard of heart rate variability?  It differs greatly than just watching your heart rate before, during, and after exercise.  All over the world, chiropractors, exercise physiologists, and cardiologists are assessing their patients functions by measuring heart rate variability.  It is even being used to predict illness in elite level athletes.
Heart rate variability in general terms determines that when you have more variability in between beats of your heart, the healthier and more fit you are.  The more variability means that your cardiac system is reacting well to the changes in your body during exercise, such as the changes in oxygenation when you inhale and exhale.  Heart rate variability also indicates whether your central nervous system is in a fight or flight mode (low variation) or a rest and repair mode (high variation).  As seen in the chart above, the sympathetic nervous system is what most people now are in a constant overdrive setting.  Meaning, we are so chronically stressed, that we even think our exercise has to be so intense for a long period of time that we never give our heart rate time to recover, and therefore actually do more harm than good while exercising.  This can be damaging to our nervous system which leads to illness and disease.
Chiropractors in Australia looked to quantify exactly how heart rate variability can change or improve with chiropractic care.  Their study followed patients over the course of 10 to 52 weeks and saw major improvements in their heart rate variability.  Just like eating right, exercising, and proper sleep, chiropractic care keeps the body functioning at its best, allowing for a long, healthy, and fit life.  Have questions about heart rate variability or want it explained in more detail?  Schedule with us to improve this often overlooked aspect of our health!

Yours in Health,

Dr. Nicholas J. Knutson



10917 Black Dog Ln., Suite 101 

Charlotte, NC 28214

Tel (704) 394-8556

Fax (704) 395-8556

"If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." JV